You will need the following information to complete the application:
Drivers license or another government-issued ID with current address
Your complete physical and mailing address
Social Security number
Date of birth
The USA Patriot Act has paved the way for financial institutions to help prevent fraud, identity theft and the spread of terrorism. It requires financial institutions to obtain, verify and record information that identifies each person who opens any financial transaction account(s) including deposits, loans and safe deposit boxes. You may be asked more questions to confirm your identity when opening a new account.
Select your eligibility
I am an employee, member or volunteer of one of the following organizations
I live, work, worship or attend school in Credit Human's San Antonio service area. View map for more detail.
I live, work, worship or attend school in Credit Human's New Orleans service area. View map for more detail.
I am a veteran, a retiree, an active duty member or a dependent of a member of the U.S. Armed Forces or National Guard
I study at the following trade school, college or university
I am related to or live with a Credit Human member
None of the above membership categories apply to me. I would like to enroll in the Louisiana Consumer Council (LACC) if I live in Louisiana or in the American Consumer Council (ACC) if I live in any other state so I may open an account with Credit Human. I understand the LACC and ACC provide consumer education to their members and that once I am a member I am eligible for Credit Human membership. Credit Human handles the application and the initial fee to join.
Teach kids the benefits of saving and start them down the right path early. With a minimum deposit of $5.00 minors can start saving now and earn interest without hassle.
Please select the individual(s) that will receive a debit card. You should receive your new debit card in the mail 7 to 10 days after your account has been opened.*
Please click here to review and then select the card design for the primary member.*
If you have a joint applicant, please click here to review and then select the card design for the joint member.*
Do you want to create a monthly transfer to your savings?*
How much do you want to transfer monthly?*
What day of the month would you like the automatic transfer to occur?*
Please select the individual(s) that will receive a debit card. You should receive your new debit card in the mail 7 to 10 days after your account has been opened.*
Please click here to review and then select the card design for the primary member.*
If you have a joint applicant, please click here to review and then select the card design for the joint member.*
I want Credit Human to use my Share Savings account as my first option for Overdraft Protection for my account.*
I have read and understand the Overdraft Protection document. I agree to the terms and conditions for all the Overdraft Protection options listed above. Overdraft options can be changed at any time by contacting Credit Human or visiting a local branch.*
Please select the individual(s) that will receive a debit card. You should receive your new debit card in the mail 7 to 10 days after your account has been opened.*
Please click here to review and then select the card design for the primary member.*
If you have a joint applicant, please click here to review and then select the card design for the joint member.*
I want Credit Human to use my Share Savings account as my first option for Overdraft Protection for my account.*
I have read and understand the Overdraft Protection document. I agree to the terms and conditions for all the Overdraft Protection options listed above. Overdraft options can be changed at any time by contacting Credit Human or visiting a local branch.*
Funding is required to complete your account activation. If you choose to fund later, a representative will reach out to you. This may delay your account activation.
This modal is for testing the Apple Pay workflow only. It will not be displayed to the applicants. Press the Success button to simulate a successful Apple Pay transaction. Press the Fail button to simulate an unsuccessful Apple Pay transaction.
Funding is required to complete your account activation. If you choose to fund later, a representative will reach out to you. This may delay your account activation.
We offer a way to instantly verify your account information using . We only use this partner service to retrieve information required to transfer funds from your specified financial institution and to verify that your current balance is sufficient for this transaction.
To speed up the application process, please take a picture of the BACK of your United States driver’s license.
This will prepopulate your name and address information directly to your application.
If you do not wish to use this feature simply click the “Done” button, to proceed.
Recommendation for best recognition:
* Use a dark background
* Make sure all four corners are visible
* Avoid glare
* Make sure image is in focus
Choose LinkedIn profile to prefill employment information. Click button below
To speed up the application process, please take a picture of the BACK of your United States driver’s license.
This will prepopulate your name and address information directly to your application.
If you do not wish to use this feature simply click the “Done” button, to proceed.
Recommendation for best recognition:
* Use a dark background
* Make sure all four corners are visible
* Avoid glare
* Make sure image is in focus
Choose LinkedIn profile to prefill employment information. Click button below
System can't prefill due to ZIP code discrepancy. Please proceed by manually entering the information or correct the value in the ZIP field in the 1st page.